
Nose ... indicate

chances of luck for a person between the ages of 41 and 50y.


The nose is considered...

Reading points Chances of luck in ...




 social status, 

and financial condition.



Good nose consists of ... 

A straight nasal bridge, normal height, 

and a fleshy tip of the nose. 

while the wings of the nose are hard and prominent.


Long nose

The length of the nose is proportional to the nobility and financial condition of the person.

Bridge of the nose - This is the area where most people notice a hump or bump. However, not everyone has this bump. Some people have a straight, smooth bridge, while others have a slight curve. It is located slightly below the frenulum (the area between the eyebrows). 

Tip of the nose - Just below the ridge of the nose begins the tip of the nose, which extends all the way down to the columella (the tissue that separates the nostrils). 

You should be familiar with the following terms


Rib of the nose - Often confused with the bridge of the nose, the ridge of the nose is the area that extends from just above the bridge of the nose just above the tip of the nose. The ridge of the nose is also referred to as the dorsum. 

Base of the nose - The base of the nose is the area that includes the nostrils, the columella, and the alar lobule (the round area outside the nostrils). It is, as the name suggests, the base of the nose. You can also think of it as the width of the nose at the bottom.


Long and short noses

Since the length of the nose is proportional to the nobility and financial condition of the person.


People with a short nose do not have a high social status, even if they have a lot of money.


Likewise, a good nose must match the cheekbones and be free of moles, scars, or lines for better chances of luck.


Face / Nose

Long face matches long nose

 ... While ...

 Short face matches

...  both ...

 long nose and short nose.

 Nose shapes

There are many special nose shapes and each of them expresses a specific characteristic.

Baby's nose

The bridge of the nose is low while the tip of the nose is up, to reveals two nostrils like the nose of a pre-adolescent child.

People with that nose are

They are not trusted

Important points

One of the most important points that must be known for reading ...

Between the eyes

It is the point located between... 

the eyes under the (XIN TANG) point. 

It is the point of energy transformation (QI) from the first stage (heaven) to move to the second stage (man) in the Chinese tripartite division.

Special types of noses

Review of some types of special noses

Marilyn Monroe 1962

👃 Concave nose with an upward-pointing nose tip. 

- Optimistic, full of vitality and activity, with a strong and independent personality. 

- Often has an endless enthusiasm for new things and experiences.

People with high cheekbones and a low nose bridge ... always

They accuse their bosses of asking for more, so they usually fail in their careers. Either people with a high nose bridge and low cheekbones hold important positions on the career ladder, but their subordinates are disobedient to them, or they do not have subordinates at all.

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