A person with a wide forehead always gets help from a superior (the eldest), as well as from a superior...
probably ...
To be from a middle or higher family, to have better chances of luck than most people before the age of 30,
He always has opportunities to travel, study, and work outside the country
He also has good opportunities to raise money in foreign countries and has the ability to adapt easily to life abroad.
A person with a long, full forehead, bright and clear, without a line, a mark, or a scar, has a degree of intelligence, analytical ability, and acumen, and has the help of his parents and superiors, as well as good chances of luck in his youth.... While a person with a short, narrow, incomplete (prominent or low) forehead has a dark color. He has a dark line, a mark, or a scar. He has weak intelligence and energy, has a bad relationship with his parents, and will not get help from his superiors or superiors. He also has bad chances of luck before the age of 30.