Hair is important to the body ...

The only hair that is the hair of the head, beard, and mustache

Facial and head hair

Since some hair is covered in clothes, it is not easy to know the relationship between a person's chances of luck and body hair in detail.

  Facial hair is divided into mustache, upper sideburns, lower sideburns, and beard.

Facial hair

Facial hair is divided into mustache, upper sideburns, lower sideburns, and beard...since

Facial hair these days is not as absolute as in ancient times, so I will not discuss each section in detail.


Generally, smooth and shiny facial hair means good luck, rough (coarse) and curly facial hair is also okay, however, hard (coarse) and straight facial hair in a messy way (disheveled) means chances of bad luck in advanced years.

There are some indications about facial hair growth:

Large nostrils or prominent nostrils: Growing a mustache helps accumulate wealth

Blurred upper lip groove: Growing the mustache but not on the groove helps define the groove better to improve compatibility with sons and daughters.

Blurred fault lines: Growing the mustache to extend to the fault lines improves control over followers (subordinates).

Flat area under the ear: It is located directly under the earlobes and above the jawbone. When it is flat or concave, it means bad chances of possessing wealth in advanced ages. That's why lonely adults always have a pointed chin and blurred jawbones, so letting out the lower sideburns helps improve the chances of luck in this position.

A receding chin: means poor overall chances of luck in old age, so growing a beard helps improve chances of luck in this case.


Generally, men with thin faces should not grow a mustache while it is okay to grow a mustache for those with full faces.

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