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Nose tip

expresses the chances of luck at the age of 48 years

It also indicates...

A person’s financial condition from the age of 30 to 50 years...and the chances of luck for both fixed and unstable income.

 A large, round tip of the nose means good luck for a stable financial situation. However, a person must work hard to get money, so people say, “A big nose without great financial luck.”

 A pointed tip of the nose with nasal wings with slightly exposed nostrils means good chances of luck in unstable income, but the person also spends most of the money he has earned, so he cannot save money.

 People with a pointed nose, slightly exposed nasal wings, and a short nose shape are not likely to save money while people with a long, straight nose shape are likely to be wealthy.

(It is noted that most of the rich people do not have big noses, but rather they usually have long noses)

 A mole or mole on the tip of the nose means that the person has a bad son and may suffer from hemorrhoids.

 A mole on the tip of the nose in men may have a mole on the penis.

 Lines on the tip of the nose mean that...

A person may suffer from financial crises (losses) throughout his life, especially at the ages of 20, 29, 38, 47, and 48 years.

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