Formal Readings ,,,In fact

there is no difficulty in formal reading...and it is very easy for anyone who has taken an interest in reading one or two things.

Formal Readings

The ears

Chances of luck from ages 1 to 14


Chances of luck from age 15 to 30


Chances of luck from the age of 31 to 34

The eyes

Chances of luck from the age of 35 to 40

The nose

Chances of luck from the age of 41 to 50

Under the nose

Lucky chances from age 51 and above

Friends read

To take friends to look at their eyes first.

The gentle view means that the person is loyal, honest and merciful.

Those who look around without looking directly direct their opinion.

Those who speak and their eyes are closed, deceived while those who throw when they smile are liars.

The person who calls every individual "the best friend" is the first person to abandon you when needed.

People with the elderly front teeth in an irregular way and as well

People with a scattered front teeth are scattered, and they are not trustworthy.

Those who always take their heads before speaking are deceived.

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